
Showing posts from October, 2017

Images created using the app

These are some of the images we created using the app .

New feature - copy shapes

Copy shapes Copy shapes feature is now available in the app . Just select a shape (as before, by double-tapping) and copy icon will appear along with other actions. Clicking on it will copy and paste the same shape near to the original shape. The new shape will be slightly different in color. Copied shapes

Drawing geometric shapes - drew a geometric fox

I am not an artist and I haven't really drawn anything for like 20 years. I Tried to draw a geometric fox using my app to check how easily I (or anyone who is not used to drawing frequently) can draw something which looks remotely similar to a geometrical fox. I could draw something like this : Yes, you are right. It does not look anything like a geometric fox, or even a geometric rabbit. What I feel is, anyone who is slightly better than me can draw more effective drawings with this. Please try for yourselves and see what all you can draw with this. And yes, I found some issues/improvements while drawing and I will be fixing those soon. Please give your feedback after using the app.

Creating suggestions - code

Creating suggestions One of the main features of the app is to give suggestions. When you tap on the screen to create points, suggestions will appear on top. For example, if I created two points the suggestions will contain a circle, semi-circle and a straight line. Suggestions for two points How suggestions are drawn - Java code First, create a rectangle with the points. This is obtained by finding the top left and bottom right points. public static Rect clipRectFrom ( Point ... points) { int topX = Integer .MAX_VALUE, topY = Integer .MAX_VALUE, rightX = 0, rightY = 0; for ( Point point : points) { if (topX > point.x) { topX = point.x; } else if (rightX < point.x) { rightX = point.x; } if (topY > point.y) { topY = point.y; } else if (rightY < point.y) { rightY = point.y; } } ...

LightDraw Drawing App

LightDraw Drawing App This is my first app ever on Android platform (or on any other platform :)). It is a small attempt to make simple shapes easily. The app can be found here . Creating shapes  You can create any number of shapes by simply selecting the points (the shape's corners). Shape suggestions will appear on top panel. Click on one of the suggestions to draw it on the drawing pane. Shape suggestions for two points  Color, resize, rotate etc Double-tap on any shape to select it. Options for shapes will appear on the bottom pane. There are color, rotate, zoom, delete options. Coloring a shape In the above image, coloring option is shown. Adjust the red, green and blue ribbons to mix color or choose from a predefined color from top. Moving a shape To move a shape, simply drag it and place it anywhere you want. Saving the drawing To save the drawing, tap on the save (floppy disk) icon. If you find this app useful or you want to give...